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Calling All Volunteers!

Calling All Volunteers!

A few thousand cats and dogs were cared for by St. Croix Animal Welfare Center last year. Many of these animals need a forever home but before they can be re-homed, medical care and attention is required. The St. Croix AWC is a non-profit organization and they rely...

Inexpensive Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home

Inexpensive Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home

There is often a misconception that in order to get the best return on your home you need to do BIG projects such as redoing the kitchen or bathrooms. We find that working with what you have and pricing right is the key to getting the best return.  It just takes some...

Kombucha, anyone?!

Kombucha, anyone?!

Not only is he an avid cyclist, well-known Triathlete, and the newest member of Team Fedeles here at Coldwell Banker St. Croix Realty, Stephen Swanton is also the Kombucha King! When he is not working with buyers or sellers, Stephen can be found selling his kombucha...

Ignite Your Inner Flame: Retreat on St. Croix, USVI

Ignite Your Inner Flame: Retreat on St. Croix, USVI

St. Croix has always been known for its natural beauty from its crystal clear water with sandy beaches to the serene rainforest atmosphere. Lately, our island has become well-known for so much more - its yoga, wellness and epicurean scene. The ladies behind the...

The Buzz about the Beekeepers’ Buzzaar St. Croix, USVI

The Buzz about the Beekeepers’ Buzzaar St. Croix, USVI

Saint Croix Environmental Association (SEA) has made a tremendous impact on our beautiful island and community – and they aren’t stopping there! SEA’s mission is to “promote the conservation of environmental resources, provide education and advocate for...

Waterfront Neighborhoods: St. Croix, USVI

Waterfront Neighborhoods: St. Croix, USVI

The beauty of living on St. Croix is that a beach and crystal clear water is never more than a 15 minute drive away. Our island is 28 miles long and seven miles wide completely surrounded by the Caribbean Sea – Isn’t that one of the (many) reasons we are all lured to...

Let’s Take a Dip!

Let’s Take a Dip!

So you’ve just purchased a new home in beautiful St Croix. There are stunning views, great breezes and sandy beaches all around you, but you’re missing one thing…a swimming pool! Have no fear, you can get one installed within just a couple months making your island...

Breadfruit, anyone?

Breadfruit, anyone?

St. Croix is known for its stunning scenery, rich history and of course the locally made rum. Cruzan Rum and Captain Morgan have always been popular attractions, but there is a new distillery in town who isn’t barreling rum, but instead distilling vodka. MUTINY Island...

Take a Hike

Take a Hike

St. Croix is known for its beautiful beaches and water sports, but if the water is not your favorite then going for a hike is always an option. Whether you are a beginner and easing your way into a work out or a hiking extraordinaire, there are some great trails that...

St. Croix’s First Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu School

St. Croix’s First Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu School

Eric and Ashlee Robinson can be found most evenings teaching Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the Beeston Hill Health and Wellness Center. This martial art and combat sport focuses on grappling or ground fighting. It is founded on the concept that a smaller, physically weaker...

St. Croix’s Mango Melee is a Sweet Treat for All!

St. Croix’s Mango Melee is a Sweet Treat for All!

Flamboyant trees are in full bloom, kids are out of school for summer, it’s getting hotter outside and mangoes are ripening, ready to be eaten. This can only mean one thing…Mango Melee is right around the corner! The beautiful St. George Botanical Gardens will host...