Chris Powers

Living on St Croix for 20+ years, Chris Powers knows the island well and uses that knowledge and expertise to help people in realizing their vision of a new home. Buying or selling property changes your life, and he never loses track of that. He is a problem solver, creative thinker, and is tech savvy. He gently guides people through the buying or selling process, answering their questions along the way. His goal is to have people be happy and excited about their choice! He has a deep love of the island and the people who live here. He shares a home with his wife and business partner, Christie, and their Crucian cat and dog rescues. Find Chris at or 340.690.0448.

You can follow Chris and Christie on their social media pages and and sign up for their newsletter or learn more about Chris and Christie on their website.

Recent Client Testimonial:

“From the moment I met you last winter, I knew my house and I were in experienced capable hands to guide us through the uncertain process of finding the best new owners to live in what I had spent twenty years creating. And indeed, from staging and photographing it, to advertising it, to evaluating the various bidders, to ultimately bringing the sale to a successful conclusion, you were the best real estate brokers I could have chosen! What made it fun, was that it was all conducted long distance. Whenever you called, it seemed that I was either driving en route to a music camp in Massachusetts or New Hampshire or a schooner along the coast of Maine. And the ultimate weekend of the signing of the documents I was making my way from Brooklyn to Manhattan and then to Maryland during the deluge! And our conversations were always enjoyable. Next time I visit my island, which will probably be next winter, let’s lift a glass in downtown Christiansted!”  — Helen

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