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Some people may hear that we don’t have power yet and think that life must be unbearable, but St. Croix folk are a positive bunch. We asked our team to share what they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving and here’s what a few folks had to say.

Kali Ousley: Island community!

Lorinne Williams: A roof over my head and our reliable, dependable generator❣️ Call me a “generator hugger”.

Bry Locher: I am thankful for the linemen working on my road who are trying to get us power in the next several days!! I am also thankful for our beautiful weather which allows us to celebrate Thanksgiving on the beach (if you’re near Cane Bay, stop by for a drink and to say hi!).

Corinne King: Living in paradise, my amazing husband, family, my puppies and kitty, my Coldwell Banker family, my incredible friends, new and old.

Debby Babb: Our strength, optimism, and laughter in the face of adversity.

Tammy’s silly friends

Tammy Londer: I’m thankful for my adventurous, silly friends who make me smile.

Kristi Forbes: I’m thankful for power and the linemen!

Mindy Dice: Oya, we are grateful for the Winds sweeping away that which no longer serves us. For bringing us to this eternal present moment, our eyes are wide open and we are definitely paying attention. We are grateful for the Winds ushering us into a greater love, generosity, forgiveness, patience, and humility towards one another. We know that all disruptions, sickness, strife, is a result of spiritual disharmony. We promise to do our part to ensure that our words and our actions restore love, beauty, intimacy, depths, harmony, and wholeness within our precious communities. Please hear our voices in the Wind and recognize our footsteps. Bless our collective efforts. We desire to learn through wisdom, not suffering. And so it is. Ase, Aho, Amen. (Written by namonyah)