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ST THOMAS — Glass recycling efforts on St. Thomas have taken hold, and thankfully, there’s no end in sight. While the territory has faced challenges as it relates to waste disposal and recycling, the St. Thomas Rotary Eco Club has worked tirelessly with other government entities and organizations to make a sizable dent in the glass waste on island. Ten tons of glass have been diverted from the island’s landfill by way of a donated glass crusher and word-of- mouth promotion. According to Environmental Manager Doug White, the volume of glass has been steadily increasing, and that’s strictly by word of mouth.

Volunteers have increased the processing of bottles and jars from twice a month to once a week. Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, the machinery was purchased and then donated by the University of the Virgin Islands Marine Science Advisory Service. 107 volunteer man-hours later, the St. Thomas Glass Recycling Program has produced 314.5 cubic feet of crushed glass in a little under 6 months since October 1st, 2023. The result of the crusher’s grinding efforts is a fine sand-like byproduct that the EcoClub uses to make sandbags, which are then distributed during hurricane season.

While there is a willingness and a desire to do more, cost considerations and maintenance issues have prevented officials from taking the necessary steps to acquire an industrial- size glass crusher. Therefore, the club is seeking funds to expand. “We’re asking for donations so that the club can accept more glass. There’s a $10 million EPA Community Change Grant that’s only available to nonprofits, so EcoClub works with Island Green and the V.I. Conservation Society, and Compost Connections to form a coalition,” the environmental manager said.

Drop off for glass bottles and jars is at Red Hook Plaza on the upper level every month on the first and third Saturdays from 10:30am to noon. To learn more about St. Thomas Rotary Eco Club, visit their website at

Written by Anquanette Gaspard